Advancing education, scholarly journals, and academic events.

Scholaria fosters academic growth by providing educational resources, publishing peer-reviewed journals, and organizing impactful scholarly events globally.

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About Scholaria

We offer higher education, publish scholarly journals, and organize academic events.

We deliver top-notch higher education, produce influential scholarly journals, and host engaging academic events to support and advance your intellectual journey.

Scientific Research and Publishing

We publish scholarly journals and organizes academic events globally.

Multidisciplinary Open-Access Journals

Journals cover fields like social sciences, engineering, and medicine, welcoming high-quality research papers.

Global Academic Network Platform

We connect over 10,000 participants worldwide, fostering a trusted network of scholars and researchers.

Academic Networking Events -
Multidisciplinary Research Collaboration -
Scholarly Journals
European Journal of Social Sciences

Science, Education, Research

EJSER publishes top-tier theoretical and empirical research papers, case studies, and reviews in social sciences and education. Invites submissions from researchers and practitioners worldwide.

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Scholarly Journals
Journal of Multidisciplanary Studies

Synergy, Novelty, Growth

EJMS publishes research articles from various academic fields. As a multidisciplinary journal, EJMS fosters collaboration and innovation by bringing together scholars from different disciplines to explore complex issues and develop new knowledge within a European context.

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Scholarly Journals
Journal of Economics and Business

Theory, Practice, Data

EJES is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research in economics and business studies. It covers a wide range of topics, from theoretical concepts to practical applications. EJES aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and inform decision-making in these fields..

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Our Vision

We identify trends, foster collaboration, promote multidisciplinary research, enhance visibility.

We leverage existing networks from past conferences and publications to form collaborative research groups. Host webinars and virtual roundtable discussions to maintain active communication with scholars, focusing on emerging issues within their fields..

We develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, including social media campaigns, email newsletters, and content marketing focused on trending academic topics. Regularly update the website with new research articles, conference announcements, and academic resources.

We encourage submissions that bridge multiple fields of study by organizing special issues and conference tracks focused on multidisciplinary research. Offer incentives for collaborative research projects and publish case studies that highlight the impact of such collaborations.

Advancing Higher Education.

Facilitates global exchanges to enhance educational standards.

Fostering Collaboration

Encourages interdisciplinary research and collaborations.

Global Academic Network

Unites scholars worldwide for knowledge exchange.

Promoting Emerging Research

Highlights new trends to drive academic progress.

A trusted platform!

I have participated several times, satisfied with both the implementation and the professional quality.
@Dr. Balazs Hohmann, University of Pécs, Hungary
All participants were serious scholars, doing cutting-edge work in their respective fields
@Stanley Tweyman, Prof. Dr.University Professor, York University, Canada.
Conference that Challenged Thinking and Afforded Dialogue on Cutting Edge Ideas.
@Alison Taysum, External Examiner University of Ulster, United Kingdom.