Privacy policy

Following the entry into application on May 25, 2018 of the new European regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR ...), we would like to provide you with more details on our commitments:

Purpose of the collection

We collect your data in order to best respond to your request. Also, in order to better understand our audience, we use your data for the purpose of carrying out statistical environmental studies. They are not transferred to third parties outside the consent framework.

Recipients of the data collected

Only the service that processes your requests has access to your data.

Data collected

Your data is kept for the time necessary for the operations for which it was collected.


If you have any questions or complaints, please do not hesitate to contact us using the following email address: [email protected]

Website’s terms of use

Use of this site is subject to compliance with the general conditions described below. By accessing this site, you are deemed to have read and accepted, without any reserve, these general conditions of use.

Purpose of the site

The information on the site is, unless expressly stated otherwise, of a general nature. They do not therefore target specific or personal situations, and cannot be considered as legal, professional or personal advice to the user.

Quality of information and responsibility

We are attentive to the quality of the informational content of this site. The data contained on this site (links included) are believed to be accurate at the time of their publication, but may become inaccurate or outdated. The user is also aware that this information is subject to change without prior notice.

The hypertext links on this site and directing users to other websites do not engage the responsibility of Scholaria as to the content of these sites. The creation of links to other sites does not mean that Scholaria guarantees these sites or their content. In addition, Scholaria cannot be held responsible for errors in site addresses or domain names appearing on this site.

Despite the efforts made to avoid as much as possible any interruption due to technical problems, Scholaria declines any responsibility due to interruptions of services or other technical problems.

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In this context, data is processed in accordance with the provisions of the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to the processing of personal data.

Any request or question relating to the protection of privacy on the site can be asked via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Public Liability policy

Following the entry into application on May 25, 2018 of the new European regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR ...), we would like to provide you with more details on our commitments:

1. Scholaria does not intend to cancel any academic event. However, if any academic event is cancelled by third parties such as the institution providing the venue, then the below steps are followed:

1..a.  We offer the authors to carry on the conference in another venue in the same country on the same dates announced.

1 b. If the author does not agree on changing the conference venue for any reason, then we offer the author to participate as "virtual" with a "live video conference" and publish the article in the proceedings book as well as in the scientific journal registered intially.

1.c.  If the author does not agree on the above option (1.b), then he/she is offered to reserve the registration and the payment to the next academic event.

1.d. If the author does not agree on the above option (1.c), then he/she gets the full refund including the bank transfer/credit card commission charges for the payment recveived.

2. If the conference is cancelled due to: Adverse weather at or near the venue preventing the participants from accessing the venue to set up or forcing the closure of the venue; A gas leak or workplace accident forcing closure of the venue; Non attendance of the organizers caused by an airline strike; Cancellation of an outdoor function due to unexpected adverse weather; Terrorism, or threat of terrorism attack (at or near the venue) causing disruption of the event; Almost anything else that is beyond our control but which affects the smooth running of the event: we will contact the authors to have a common solution such as a) to transfer all the collected registraion fees to the next event; b) to make the conference on the online platform as "virtual" where the authors make their presentation in distance by live video conference.


The following terms and conditions set out the legal rules applicable to the ICSS Conference (“Conference”) by Scholaria. Participants shall be bound by these terms and conditions upon registering for the Conference and are advised to read and understand these terms carefully before registering. The Organizer will not accept any conditions contradictory to or deviant from these general terms and conditions.


Scholaria is the responsible body for the organization of a conference.


Registration to the Conference must be done through the online registration system. The registration deadline for each of the conference is announced at the event website and must be respected.. Participants will receive an automatic confirmation of the registration details. If you do not obtain anything, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to make sure that the Organizer has received your booking. Registration will only be effective on receipt of the registration fee or after authorization of credit card payment. Please notify any corrections to your registration immediately to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The cancellatoon and Refund Policy has been detailed on our website.


The Organizer does not accept liability for the up-to-dateness, correctness and completeness in respect to conference documentation and content. The Organizer will not assume any responsibility whatsoever for any damage or injury to persons or property during the Conference.

Photographs, videos etc.

Unless otherwise requested by the participant, the organizer reserves the right to take photographs for use in conference-related materials and promotional material for future conferences. The Organizer may free of charge and without the further consent of the participants use and release pictures taken of the participants and/or their works (such as posters, excerpts of presentations or lectures) during the Conference for reports of the Conference and announcement of events in future. Individuals wishing that their person or work (posters, presentations, etc) not be included in any published photos must provide this request in writing to the organizer. The participants has no right to film other fellow colleagues during the coffee break nor to take their photographs without asking their accordance.


All personal data provided to the Organizer for registration will be treated as confidential. The data shall be used and stored for further processing and documentation purposes. The information will not be re-used for an incompatible purpose. Data shall be delivered to assigned service providers, as deemed necessary for the successful performance of the Conference. The Organizer will only disclose information to third parties if that is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose(s) identified above. The paper works of the participants along with their affiliation and email will be published on all conference media unless otherwise stated by the participants prior the conference dates.

Cancellation & Refund

Following the entry into application on May 25, 2018 of the new European regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR ...), we would like to provide you with more details on our commitments:

1. If a registrant is unable to attend an event for any reason they may substitute, by arrangement with the registrar, someone else from the same institute/organisation.

2. If a registrant is unable to attend, and providing the conference organisers are informed in writing by the final date for payment that is displayed on the website for the event in question, a registrant can leave the fee paid with the organisers as payment towards a place at the same event or another academic conference that takes place in the 12 months following the originally booked event. In the case of a contributing author, the paper will not be published in the Conference Proceedings if the fee is held over for another conference.

3. Where the registrant is unable to attend, and is not in a position to transfer his/her place to another person or to another event, then the following refund arrangements apply:

a. Registrations cancelled more than 30 days before the event will be refunded 80% of the registration fees.

b. Registrations cancelled less than 30 but more than 10 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the registration fees.

c. Registrations cancelled less than 10 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.

4. Registrations from authors cancelled as a result of a paper not being accepted will be refunded 80% of the registrations fees. The remaining 20% of the fee contributes to administration costs incurred for processing and secretarial work of the committee.

5. Cancellations from authors made after a failed visa application will be refunded the registration fees paid in excess of 130 EU, which covers the costs associated with processing the paper. In this event, the paper will still be published in the conference proceedings and delegates will receive an electronic copy of the proceedings. 

6. Cancellations from non-authors made after a failed visa application will be refunded the registration fees paid less an administration charge of 50 EU per participant registered.

7. Conference proceedings for registered participants selected Hard Copy Delivery option at the form, who are for whatever reason unable to attend will be mailed by regular post to the address we have on file. This will only be done once. Should you have to withdraw please ensure we have your correct mailing address on file.

8. In the event that printed proceedings have been ordered and the eligible participant is unable to attend, additional postage charges may be applied.

Important note for failed visa applications
Notification must be received by us in writing (email or fax) not later than 10 (ten) working days before the conference starts* for refunds to be eligible. Cancellations received after this cut-off time will not be eligible for refund. *Saturday and Sunday" do not count as working days.

Withdrawal Refund Policy for Publishing in Journals

1. Withdrawal of an article before the initial acceptance does not oblige authors or publisher financially.

2. Withdrawal of an article after receiving the "Initial Review Report" and before publishing in the issue requires author to pay an article processing and secretarial charge of 30% of the fee.

3. Withdrawal of an article after receiving the "Final Letter of Acceptance" and before publishing in the issue requires author to pay an article processing and secretarial charge of 40% of the fee.

4. Withdrawal request for an article one week after publishing in the issue is not eligible for a refund.

5. Articles published in third parties as a result of collaboration with Scholaria journals will be published in the original journals if the contract with such parties end. The authors may claim to be reimbursed only the fee difference if they paid more than the original journal's fee. In this case the article published in the journal will still be published.

In case the author wants a full reimbursement, the article will be removed from the journal and the fee paid for the journal publishing will be reimbursed. In this case no additional fee nor any other compensation claim from the author will be accepted.

(Note. Scholaria keeps the right to collaborate with publishing partners or indexing services for improvement purposes. The ISSN of the journals are not changed if the publishing platform changes. Changing only the publisher has no impact on the legitimacy of the articles published.)

Refunds will be made in the following ways:
1. For payments received by credit or debit cards, the same credit/debit card will be refunded.
2. For all other payments, a bank transfer will be made to the payee nominated account.

Please note: For payments received by bank transfer, the refund will be made by bank transfer and all bank charges will be for the registrants account.
